The data update has been completed. Thank you for your co-operation!
The following issues have been resolved with this update.
-Skill description for “Silent Prayer” does not match the actual skill effect.
The skill “Silent Prayer”, which has the skill effect of “Cures all status ailments of all demons on the field”, was described as “Cures all status ailments of all party members” in the skill descriptions. This issue has now been resolved with today’s data update. This was only a text display issue. There were no issues with the actual skill effect. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and thank you for your patience.
[Updated 12/26 21:28 PST]
Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".
We would like to announce that a data update will be conducted at the following time.
From 12/26 (Wed) 21:00 PST
*The schedule is subject to change without prior warning.
*The game is still playable during the data update, but there is a possibility that your game will reset and return to the title screen.
-Implementing data for upcoming events
Please Note
-Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.
-There is a possibility that some network connection errors will occur during the data update.
-Please note that you will be directed to the title screen at the starting moment of the data update.
We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding.
-"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team