

04/29/2019 20:45

(From 5/5) Get more battle points! Duel Season Bonus Event Incoming!

(From 5/5) Get more battle points! Duel Season Bonus Event Incoming!

Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".

Here we would like to introduce to you our upcoming Dx2 Duel Special Bonus Event which will be held next Duel Season.


Start: 5/5 (Sun) 17:00 PDT
End: 5/12 (Sun) 16:59 PDT

Duel Season Bonus Event

- Increase your Battle Point earnings by 50 % with every demon that is grade 79 or under!
 When assigning demons to your party in Dx2 Duel, you will gain a + 50 % Battle Point bonus with every demon that is grade 79 or under
 This Bonus will be applied to normal Dx2 Duel, Random Match, Revenge and Training.

Please Note

- Please note there may be changes made without prior notice.
-"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team
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