10/01/2019 00:00
Democalypse: Culling Period 3
Check the Areas Info!
The Democalypse that is currently in service right now is the Beta version, and will go through some changes and adjustments based on player feedback before being released as the official version. A list of the changes in Democalypse that is to be implemented in the official version is contained in our "Newsletter", which we recommend to all players interested in Democalypse.
We will continue to improve upon this game feature before release to make the official version the best experience possible, and we thank you for your support and understanding.
Before Cull:
During Cull:
Please note Faction members cannot Leave or be Removed during Cull, neither can the Faction be disbanded.
Calamity: Seraph
Weak point
Calamity: Steel
Weak point
Calamity: Evil
Weak point
"Area Bonus" will be unavailable in Democalypse during this period.
Democalypse is a Factions only feature where Factions compete over Areas within Tokyo.
Earn Score points in an Area and compete in the rankings with other Factions of the same area for ranking rewards.
Each Area has its own Score ranking, and the Faction with the highest Score will have its name shown on the Area.
Democalypse battles will be held periodically, with 3 phases to a cycle: Before Cull, During Cull and After Cull.
Before Cull
The period for the Faction to choose a Target Area to fight in from the various Areas on the Area Map.
Each Area will have a different set of enemies with different weaknesses, all of which can be confirmed on the Area Info screen during this time. We recommend you to check each Area for its Area info and plan ahead with your Faction members before choosing a Target Area.
Only the Faction leader can manually select a Target Area, and the selected Target Area can be changed at any time within this period without limit.
If a Target Area is not selected within this period, one will be selected automatically at the start of the During Cull phase.
The area that your faction selected for the last cull period will be selected automatically. If any area has not been selected so far, an area will be selected randomly.
During Cull
The period in which the Faction fights within the Target Area selected during the Before Cull phase.
Democalypse battles consists of two parts: Prelim and Boss Fight.
A party of 3 demons can be assigned to each part, but demons with the same name can only be used once per day even though two battles can be fought each day.
Demons with a ☆ in its name like Bayonetta☆ are considered to be of the same name as those without the ☆.
In Democalypse, every demon will recover 10MP at the beginning of its turn, so it would be advantageous to have demons with powerful skills that cost a lot of MP to cast in your party.
And since Democalypse battles are conducted automatically, the AI Tendency of your demons will become an important factor. Players might want to make use of Tendency Selectors if the need should arise.
The Score you achieve from battles will be added to the overall Score of your Faction to decide your Faction’s place in the Rankings.
1) Prelim
The objective of this part of the fight is to raise the Bonus Rating by dealing a certain amount of damage or hitting the weakness of multiple enemies.
You will encounter a mass of enemies in the Prelim, but although they are numerous in number, they share a single HP meter. That is why skills that attack all enemies with the Attribute they are weak to are the most effective in the Prelim.
Prelim enemies are specific to each player, which means their HP is not affected by the battles of the other members of your Faction.
The Score Rating you start off with at the beginning of battle is called the Inherited Rating.
The Inherited Rating can be increased according to the number of players in your Faction that participated in Democalypse on the previous day, so players who are not as capable in fights can still contribute to the overall Faction Score by simply participating.
2) Boss Fight
The objective of the Boss Fight is to deal as much damage as possible to a single Boss demon to achieve as high a Score as you get. This Score will later be affected by the Inherited Rating and by the Rating Bonus you earned in the Prelim.
The Bosses in Democalypse are called Calamities, and you will encounter only one lone Calamity in a Boss Fight. Therefor skills that can do a great amount of damage to a single target are more effective during Boss Fights.
Calamities are specific to each Faction, meaning that the Calamity’s HP is affected by the battles of the other members of your Faction but not by those outside your Faction.
When someone within your Faction defeats the current Calamity, a new enhanced Calamity will appear to take its place.
3) Rules that apply to both the Prelim and the Boss Fight.
Battles will continue either until your party is defeated or until the designated turn limit, regardless of the enemy’s HP.
There are no Battle Assists.
Dx2 Skills will not activate.
4) Rewards
The following rewards can be earned in Democalypse.
Reward | Requirement | Item |
Participation Reward | Participate in Democalypse | Reward Ticket |
Vanquish Reward | Vanquish a Calamity (Faction) | 5 to 6★ Brand Cube R |
Reward tickets can be used to exchange for an assortment of items when Democalypse is officially released.
After Cull
After the During Cull period has ended and all the Scores have been accounted for, Democalypse will enter the After Cull phase in which rewards earned according to ranking will be distributed.
All the results of the last Democalypse will be available during this period, and the name of the top ranking Faction of each area will be displayed on the Area Map.
Simulations are simulated battles that can be conducted freely in every area and every phase of Democalypse to see how your demons will act in battle.
No Score or bonus can be earned with Simulation.
Please Note
Faction members cannot Leave or be Removed during Cull, neither can the Faction be disbanded. Adding new members, on the other hand, is possible. And applicants can also be Approved during this period.
Loki’s skill Trickster will not work in Democalypse.
If in some way the game is shut down after a Democalypse fight starts, the fight will be forfeit and you will not receive any rewards for the fight or have your Democalypse Stamina returned to you.
Only the Faction members that participated in Democalypse fights can receive the Faction Ranking Reward after Cull.
Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.
-"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team