

02/04/2020 23:00

New demon 5★ Dimensional Cu Chulainn will be added!

New demon 5★ Dimensional Cu Chulainn will be added! "Dimensional Summon" Incoming

A new dimensional demon available!
Collect "Tome of Dimensions" to perform Dimensional Absolute Summon!


Dimensional variant of Cu Chulainn implemented! Get them through special summons!
By collecting "Tome of Dimensions" items, you will be able to perform a "Dimensional Absolute Summon" in which one of the dimensional demons will be guaranteed!



Dimensional Absolute Summon

Can be performed at a cost of 200 "Tome of Dimensions" items. There is no limit to the amount of times this summon can be performed.
Guarantees a dimensional variant of either Susano-o, Garuda, Shiva or Cu Chulainn.

Tome of Dimensions items are available through
performing following summons!


Dimensional Cu Chulainn Step-up Summons

Dimensional demons (Susano-o, Garuda, Shiva, Abaddon, Nekomata and Cu Chulainn) are included in the summon lineup.
A ten pull counts as one step, and there are 10 steps in a round. A maximum of 2 rounds are available.
Plus 10 "Tome of Dimensions" items will be sent to your Gift box according to the Step.

Step details

Step Specifications Cost
1 One 4★ or 5★ demon guaranteed 500 Gems
2 Five 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
3 Three 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
4 Three 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
5 Three 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
6 One 5★ demon guaranteed 1,000 Gems
7 One 4★ or 5★ demon guaranteed 500 Gems
8 Three 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
9 Three 4★ or 5★ demons guaranteed 1,000 Gems
10 One 5★ demon guaranteed 1,000 Gems

Dimensional Gem Summon

Dimensional demons (Susano-o, Garuda, Shiva, Abaddon, Nekomata and Cu Chulainn) are included in the summon lineup.
Can be performed at a cost of 100 Gems. There is no limit to the amount of times this summon can be performed.
A bonus "Tome of Dimensions" will be sent to your Gift box for each summon.

Demon Specifications

Culann's HoundUnique SkillPassive

Gains Phys Pierce.
Activates the following Chain Effect at the end of own turn:
Enters a state of Charge.

Barbed SpearUnique SkillActiveMP: 6Uses: ∞

Inflicts Force (Physical) Pierce damage (Power: 35) 3 times on all enemies.
*The damage inflicted by this skill is dependent on Phys ATK.
*This skill has a chance of having a Critical effect or a Miss which are dependent on their respective rates.
*Counter effects will not work on this skill.

Lv2: +5% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv3: +10% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv4: +15% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv5: +20% to damage dealt using this skill.
Lv6: +20% to damage dealt using this skill. + MP cost of this skill -1.

Spirit Merge

Panel Completion Bonus Step Bonus
1 +15% to Phys hit rate. HP: +250 (MAX)
2 Activates the following Chain Effect when Culann's Hound is activated:
Enters a state of Might.
Phys ATK: +100 (MAX)
3 +20% to Phys and Force damage. HP: +250 (MAX)

Please note

Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.

A bonus "Tome of Dimensions" item will be sent to your Gift Box with every summon.

The amount of "Tome of Dimensions" items you possess can be confirmed in Items.

"Tome of Dimensions" items will remain in your Items list even after these summons expire.

The summons mentioned above may become available again in the future.

Please check the info page within the game for details on available demons and drop rates.

It may take some time for the data of this Summon to be loaded to your device after being made available, so please make you have the latest data on your device before summoning. If you do not have the latest data on your device, please reboot the game and try again.

-"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team

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