

06/10/2020 00:00

Gifts for all Members! Join a Faction Campaign Coming Soon!

Gifts for all Members! Join a Faction Campaign Coming Soon!

A gift of items to be given to
all Faction members!


Factions are groups within the Liberators organization where players with similar play styles can team up for events.
Members can use the Faction Chat function to join in private conversations only Faction members have access to, and participate in events such as the Democalypse to earn rewards.

To help with your Faction activities, we will be distributing a gift to all players who are a member of a Faction.
For those who have never joined a Faction before, this is your chance to try it out!

Campaign deadline

All players who are in a Faction at the time shown above are applicable to receive the gift.

Players who are already in a Faction will automatically be applicable to receive the gift as long as they remain so.


The following items will be sent to you when your Faction membership is confirmed.

・ Gate-Aid × 3
・ Gems (Free) × 100
・ Superior Summon File × 10

Please Note

Please note there may be changes made without prior notice.

If you Leave or are Removed from your Faction during the membership confirmation period, you might not receive the gift items.

"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team

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