

09/13/2020 22:00

[The compatibility has been confirmed] About Android 11

[9/13 (Sun) 22:00 PDT Updated]

The compatibility check with Android 11 has been completed and we have confirmed Game runs correctly.

Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".

Due to the recent release of Android 11 on September 9th JST, we are currently in the process of checking its compatibility with "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".

Although nothing has been confirmed yet, there is a possibility that the game will not run correctly if you update your OS to Android 11, so we may not be able to provide customer support for issues concerning the OS.

We will make another announcement when compatibility has been confirmed. In the meanwhile, we would advise players to refrain from updating their OS to Android 11.

We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and thank you for your patience.

-“SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2” Operations Team

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