

04/20/2021 00:00

Golden Lockdown 2021: Rare demons available in Special Gem Summon and Special Absolute Summon!

Golden Lockdown 2021: Rare demons available in Special Gem Summon and Special Absolute Summon!


1Special summons that include rare demons!
22 bonus  items
will be sent to your Gift box for each summon from the Special Gem Summon.
3Special Absolute Summon guarantees a rare demon!


Special Gem Summon

Can be performed at a cost of 100 Gems with a 100 time summon limit.
2 bonus  items will be sent to your Gift box for each summon.

Lineup includes the normal Gem Summon lineup with the following additional demons.

Additional rare demons

5★ Hero Masakado (GRADE 99)
5★ Fiend Mother Harlot (GRADE 95)
5★ Hero Tokisada (GRADE 92)
5★ Lady Kali (GRADE 89)
5★ Lady Xi Wangmu (GRADE 86)
5★ Night Maya (GRADE 86)
5★ Hero Guan Yu (GRADE 85)
5★ Fairy Demonee-Ho (GRADE 84)
5★ Fiend Daisoujou (GRADE 81)
5★ Genma Frost Ace (GRADE 80)

Special Absolute Summon

Can be performed at a cost of  per summon with a 2 time summon limit.

One of the following demons guaranteed.


5★ Hero Masakado (GRADE 99)
5★ Fiend Mother Harlot (GRADE 95)
5★ Hero Tokisada (GRADE 92)
5★ Lady Kali (GRADE 89)
5★ Lady Xi Wangmu (GRADE 86)
5★ Night Maya (GRADE 86)
5★ Hero Guan Yu (GRADE 85)
5★ Fairy Demonee-Ho (GRADE 84)
5★ Fiend Daisoujou (GRADE 81)
5★ Genma Frost Ace (GRADE 80)

Please Note

Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.

"" bonus item(s) are sent to Your Gift Box with each summon. The Gift Box will only show up to 99 items of its newest content. If you have trouble finding an item in the Gift Box, try depleting its content and then try again.

The amount of "" items you possess can be confirmed in Items.

These summons may make a return in the future.

Please check the info page within the game for details on available demons and drop rates.

It may take some time for the data of this Summon to be loaded to your device after being made available, so please make sure you have the latest data on your device before summoning. If you do not have the latest data on your device, please reboot the game and try again.

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