

01/17/2022 23:00

Official version released! 8th season of Tokyo Abyss to be held!

Official version released! 8th season of Tokyo Abyss to be held!


1Official version released!
2New Rare Skill Transfer spaces added to expand you strategic horizons!


Deployment Period

After the Deployment Period ends, the Results Calculation Period will start and last until .
After the Results Calculation Period, make sure to go the Home screen to receive a reward based on the deepest floor you reached and Souls for the demons in your party at the end.

Rewards for completing Missions can be collected at any time during the scheduled period.

Ver.5.0.00 Update Info

Kasane Magatama

Rare Skill Transfer spaces also include the option of selecting a Kasane Magatama and will allow you to increase Skill Lv. for applicable Skills in your possession.

【IMG: カサネノマガタマ アイコン】

Kasane Magatama will now include a Rarity setting that causes Lv. to increase more for higher Rarity demons.

Skill Lv. cannot be raised beyond it's maximum.

Rare Transferable Skills

In Rare Skill Transfer spaces, Rare Transferable Skills will occasionally appear.

【IMG: レアな継承可能スキル アイコン】

More powerful versions of Skills and Unique Skills, such as Light Enhancement [M] or King of Hell [M] with the special [M], as indicated by the special [M] insignia for mastery will be available.

Other Changes

Allies can now be trained up to Lv. 99 through enhancements.

The number of battles and the level of enemies that appear on certain floors have been decreased to reduce the overall gameplay workload players incur.

By advancing into deeper sections, Gifts that can be used for DEVICON will become available.

A special effect has been added to the Results screen for when Conjunctions occur.

Certain screens have been adjusted so that the displayed text fits into the space it has been allotted.

It may undergo further balance adjustments.


Clearing specific Floors of the dungeon will let you collect Essence of Sin and spend them to perform Sin Infusion, which will help enhance your demons' stats.

By advancing into deeper sections, Gifts that can be used for DEVICON will become available.

You can obtain Souls for the demons that are in your party at the end of the season.

Please Note

Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.

Violation of our terms of service during the event may result in the suspension of your account, immediate or otherwise.

"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team

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