

02/01/2022 23:00

"The God of Chaos Cometh" Event Coming Soon!

Strange killings have been occurring
in Shinjuku. The Liberators investigate
what seem to be traces left by demons.


1Collect items and exchange them for great rewards!
2Get exclusive Titles and Gifts that help increase Bond Points!


Certain Missions for this event will be held in two parts, Part 1 and Part 2.

Event period: Part 1

Event period: Part 2

Item Exchange Expiration Time

How to Play the Event

Clear Quests and Missions
to get !


Get rewards based on how many you collect!
The ExchangeAccumulation Reward

SP Effects

The following characters have SP Effects that give boost effects during the event period. You will gain more from battles if you have them assigned to your party.

EXP +100%
Macca +15%
5★ Vile Nyarlathotep
EXP +25%
Macca +2%
5★ Snake Ananta
4★ Snake Vouivre
4★ Snake Orochi
4★ Snake Yurlungur
3★ Snake Gui Xian
2★ Snake Naga
1★ Snake Nozuchi
5★ Yoma Master Therion
4★ Yoma Ganesha
3★ Yoma Efreet
3★ Yoma Valkyrie
2★ Yoma Dis
1★ Yoma Apsaras
1★ Yoma Koppa Tengu
1★ Yoma Agathion

The demons listed above are shown in their base rarity.

The icon showing the boost effects will only appear during the event period.

If you assign multiple demons with SP Effects to your party, their boost effects will be combined.

The boost effects for EXP and Macca Gain will also take effect outside of this event during the event period.

The EXP boost will only affect the demon with the SP Effect. It does not affect other demons or the entire party in any way.


Daily Missions

Missions that can be cleared every day during the event period.

Missions Reward
Log in × 10
Use 10 Stamina × 10
Finish all Daily Missions × 10

Main Missions

Missions that can be cleared during the event period.

Missions Reward
Finish all Daily Missions 5 times (Event Total) × 100
Finish all Daily Missions 10 times (Event Total) × 100
Obtain 2,000 Otherworldly Residue (Event Total) Title: Nyarlathotep Z'gah!
Obtain 5,000 Otherworldly Residue (Event Total) Title: Crawling Chaos
(Part 1) Use 100 Stamina × 100
(Part 1) Use 300 Stamina × 100
(Part 1) Use 500 Stamina × 100
(Part 1) Fight 5 Dx2 Duels × 100
(Part 1) Enhance Brands 10 times × 100
(Part 1) Evolve a demon × 100
(Part 1) Awaken a demon × 100
(Part 2) Use 100 Stamina × 100
(Part 2) Use 300 Stamina × 100
(Part 2) Use 500 Stamina × 100
(Part 2) Fight 5 Dx2 Duels × 100
(Part 2) Enhance Brands 10 times × 100
(Part 2) Evolve a demon × 100
(Part 2) Awaken a demon × 100

*Missions with the words "event total" will be available through all parts of the event.

*Missions with the words "Part 1" and "Part 2" will only be available during their respective periods.

The Exchange

You can exchange items collected from event missions and quests for the following rewards.

Reward Required Exchange Limit
100 20
40 3
40 3
40 2
40 2
50 30
150 15
80 6
200 4
500 2
80 5
500 1
500 1
200 3
500 1
300 5
80 5
40 10
500 5
100 50
500 1
1,000 5
2,000 5
30 30

Accumulation Reward

You can receive the following rewards according to the total amount of you amass.

Total Amount Reward

Please Note

Collected items will not be displayed on your item list. To view the amount you have collected, please go to the Event screen.

You will lose all your items when the event expires.

Please note there may be changes made without prior notice.

"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team

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