

08/21/2018 19:00

(From 8/24) Featured Summons Lineup


Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".


Here we would like to introduce to you our upcoming Featured Summons lineup.

Featured Summons will become available after the purchase of certain Packs or Gems.

You can also try out Featured Summon with a one time only Trial Featured Summon at the price of 100 Gems.

Don't miss this chance to check out this special Summon!



8/24/2018 (Fri) 00:00 PDT - 8/30/2018 (Thu) 23:59 PDT

Parchment Pieces

A "Parchment Piece" will be sent to your Gift box every time you summon a demon through Featured Summons.  -> See the detail

Trial Featured Summons

You can try out this summon once for 100 Gems, without having to meet any requirements. You can also receive a "Parchment Piece" as a bonus.

Once you've tried it, this summon will no longer appear on the summoning portal screen.

Featured Demons

The following 5★ demons will be featured for this round of Featured Summons.

5★ Dragon Huang Long   (Grade: 88)
Repel all types of Magic damage with Five Elements!
  Aragami Protector Psychic Elementalist


Agility Amp II


Five Elements


Energy Drain Luster Candy Speedster Null Dark


Magic Amp III Serial Killer Hell Gaze Enduring Soul


5★ Avatar Barong   (Grade: 84)
Heals allies and enhances stats for 3 turns with Barong Dance!
  Aragami Protector Psychic Elementalist




Bolt Storm
Barong Dance


Thunder Reign Recarmdra Elec Amp Null Dark


Bufudyne Mahashibaboo Vitality Amp II Makajam


5★ Hero Siegfried (Grade: 83)
Increase Phys. damage and hit rate with Arms Mastery!
  Aragami Protector Psychic Elementalist


Berserker God


Arms Mastery


Titanomachia Charge Enduring Soul Null Force


Maziodyne Trisagion Megidola Evil Gaze

Incorrect skill name is displayed for 5★ Huang Long's skill.
The skill "Mother Creation" is falsely mentioned as one of 5★ Huang Long's skills.
This is only a text display issue.
The correct skill that should be displayed instead of "Mother Creation" is "Five Elements".

[Updated 8/22]
Incorrect premium skills were listed for 5★ Barong and 5★ Siegfried above. This issue has already been corrected. We are sorry for the inconvenience this may have caused.


Additional Information

-The Lineup for Featured Summons will change regularly.

-Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.


-“SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2” Operations Team


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