12/25/2018 23:30
Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".
Here we would like to introduce to you our upcoming "New Year Summons" lineup that has a 3% Drop Rate for 5★ demons, starting 12/27.
Unlike featured summons, the “New Year Summons” does not need to be unlocked through in-game purchases!
*Trial 10x Featured Summons will not be available for “New Year Summons”
12/27/2018 (Thu) 0:00 – 1/3/2019 (Thu) 23:59 PST
Drop rate for 5★Demons will be increased to 3 % from usual 1%.
The following 5★ demons will be available for the New Year Summon.
*The numbers within the brackets are grades.
*Please check the info page within the game for details on available demons and drop rates.
A "Parchment Piece" will be sent to your Gift box every time you summon a demon through New Year Summons as well as Featured Summons.-> See the detail
- Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.
- The lineup for available 5★ demons does not include Reaper Demons, Mother Harlot and Non-summonable demons.
-"SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2" Operations Team