

03/05/2019 23:00

(From 3/7) Featured Summons Lineup!

Thank you for playing "SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2".

Here we would like to introduce to you our upcoming Featured Summons lineup.

Featured Summons will become available after the purchase of certain Packs or Gems.
You can also try out this Featured Summon with a one-time only Trial 10x Featured Summon at the price of 1,000 Gems.


Start: After the maintenance on 3/7 (Thu)
End: 3/13 (Wed) 23:59 PDT

Featured Demons

The following 5★ demon will be featured for this round of Featured Summons.

Demon with increased drop rates

The drop rate for the following 4★ demons will be increased for this Featured Summon.
Please check the info page within the game for details on the drop rate.

- 4★ Fiend/Hero Demons

 - Fiend White Rider(Grade:74)
 - Fiend Hell Biker(Grade:77)
 - Hero Jeanne d'Arc(Grade:78)

Balance adjustment on demons

Some balance adjustments for unique skills will be made to certain demons that are included in the latest Featured Summons.

- Adjusted demons

 - Fiend Alice
 - Hero Jeanne d'Arc

Please see the following page for the details.

3/6 Maintenance: Balance Adjustment

Parchment Pieces

A "Parchment Piece" will be sent to your Gift box every time you summon a demon through Featured Summons.  -> See the detail


Trial 10x Featured Summon

You can try out this summon once for 1000 Gems, without having to meet any requirements. You can also receive 10 "Parchment Pieces" as a bonus.
Once you've tried it, this summon will no longer appear on the summoning portal screen.
* Demon Drop Rates are the same as the " Featured Summon".

Please note

- Please note that there may be changes made without prior notice.

- Please check the info page within the game for details on available demons and drop rates.

- Featured Summons will be available for 2 hours right after the purchase of certain Packs or Gems (Excepting 90 Gems and 210 Gems).

-“SHIN MEGAMI TENSEI Liberation Dx2” Operations Team

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